Ghim Moh Fried Carrot Cake — One Of The Best Carrot Cakes You Can Get Your Hands On

16 March
Ghim Moh Carrot Cake

During our food quest at Ghim Moh Food Centre, we chanced upon the highly-raved Ghim Moh Fried Carrot Cake. Search online for the best few carrot cakes in Singapore and ‘Ghim Moh Carrot Cake’ will surely appear. Many make a trip down specifically for this mouth-watering plate of goodness.

Enticed by the aroma of freshly-fried carrot cake, we hopped on the bandwagon and joined in the queue to find out just exactly what we were missing out on.

Ghim Moh Carrot Cake Exterior

If find yourself in a bit of pickle, you may opt for a plate of half-white and half-black carrot cake for just S$4 to get the best of both worlds. The black carrot cake is slightly sweeter, while the white carrot cake retains the taste of preserved radish (Cai Poh).

Ghim Moh Carrot Cake 2

We were pleasantly surprised by the texture of the white carrot cake. It was soft but slightly chunky.The humble couple who runs this stall makes their own radish cake from scratch, thus giving their carrot cake a unique texture. It was so flavourful even without adding some of their homemade chilli sauce. However, if you want a slight spicy kick, dip your carrot cake into the chilli generously for a burst of flavour.

As for the black version, a generous amount of black sauce was added to it, just enough to give it a slightly sweet taste which does not overpower the mild saltiness of the radish. Unlike the white carrot cake which came in flat, large pieces, the black carrot cake was fried into small bits giving it a stronger wok-hei taste.

Ghim Moh Fried Carrot Cake
20 Ghim Moh Road #01-16
Singapore 270020
Mon: Closed
Tue to Sun: 7.45am – 7.45pm
Nearest Station: Buona Vista

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