Tag Archive: Chicken Rice Ball Singapore

10 Chicken Rice Stalls In Singapore You Seriously Need To Chick Out

31 July

Chicken Rice is a national dish that can be found almost anywhere and you can have it at almost any time of the day. It has been a debatable subject for there are people who like their chicken roasted while some like them poached—or for lack of a better term, white. Some even argue that grated ginger and dark sweet...

Hainan Chicken Rice Ball — An Iconic Malaccan Favourite In Singapore

28 July

Many people flock to Malacca for their iconic chicken rice balls. However, not many know that this popular dish can be found in Singapore as well. Nestled within Shing Boon Hwa Food Centre at Dickson Road, just opposite Sim Lim Tower, lies Hainan Chicken Rice Ball, which specialises in both steamed chicken as well as chicken rice balls. If you...