7 Ways Travelling After A Break Up Helps

Break ups are never easy. The end of a relationship, however, does not mean the end of you.
There are many ways to heal and to distract yourselves from a heartbreak, but the most recommended method – also one that is tried and tested – is Travel. It sure helps in rejuvenating the soul and no one ever did feel worse after a holiday.
From rebuilding your confidence, meeting new people, learning to go solo and focusing on moving forward, here are Seven Ways Travelling After A Break Up Helps.
Being stuck in a city filled with endless memories of you and your ex could be extremely painful. Believe it or not, a temporary change of environment can actually distract you from the memories – even if it is just for awhile. Just pick somewhere where the both of you haven’t been to before.
Your self-esteem might have crumbled from either the rejection, the failure of a relationship, or both. Instead of beating yourself up, why not pick up the shattered pieces and continue with life?
Treat yourself to a vacation to a foreign land, where you will be forced to step out of your comfort zone and explore your new surroundings – and as a result, this will indirectly build up your confidence.
You might be used to saying ‘table for two’, but going on a holiday alone will enable you to catch up with yourself over quality time. Partake in all the activities you have always wanted to do so and check out all the attractions you never made the effort to! Going on a solo adventure is an empowering journey.
Once you have boarded the plane and checked in to your temporary lodging – there’s almost no turning back. Focus on your holiday and all the upcoming amazing sights and food you would be indulging in.
Your attention will be on the present and the future; no longer the past.
Staying put in your hometown means the possibility of bumping into your ex, your ex’s family and your ex’s friends.
While we are not suggesting that you severe ties with people related to him/her, sometimes you just need a breather from everyone that is linked to an ex. Think about how refreshing it would be to be in a town where you are neither reminded of the breakup nor do you feel obliged to discuss about it.
You might have cried a river while trying to move on and find yourselves still struggling to feel better – and that is completely understandable. But what good will it do if you are stuck in bed all day sobbing and feeling sorry for yourself?
It is time to get out of the vicious trap, step out of your house, explore and have fun! Do not underestimate the power of laughter; trust us, you will feel infinitely better.
We are not asking you to discard all your old memories with your ex. They will live on in your subconsciousness and remind you from time to time, but this does not mean that you are not allowed to create brand new memories with new people.
The creation of new memories is also a form of acceptance that a relationship has passed, but you have not succumbed and instead, emerged stronger than before.
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