Tag Archive: EVA Air

6 Thematic Aeroplanes – Star Wars Airlines, Pokémon Jet, Frozen Plane & More!

19 November

Photo Credit: AspirantSG Aeroplanes are a wonderful invention because they take us to the most amazing places on earth. With globalisation on the rise, there are increasing airline companies joining the industry, providing all sorts of services to offer the ultimate flying experience for their passengers. The increased competition between airlines is also one of the reasons why we are seeing huge...

8 Airlines With The Best Cabin Crew

27 October

Regardless of whether it is a long-haul flight or a short journey, a team of cabin crew can either break or make your flying experience. Skytrax World Airlines Awards have taken into consideration the various ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ service traits such as attention, efficiency, attitude and friendliness etc. So, who are your favourite cabin crew(s)? For us, it is always Singapore...