Here’s Why You Should Stop Feeding Your Kids Gummy Bears
Photo Credit: Albanese Candy
Gummies come in all shapes, colours and flavours. But these things get stuck in between your teeth, causes cavity and is a nightmare of every parent. To make things worse, kids love this sweet treat and start throwing a fit when you don’t give it to them.
The sad truth is that gummi candies are filled with sugar and too much of that can be damaging for health. It may be difficult to put aside your child’s earnest pleading for that packet of gummy bears but reading these Eight Reasons Why You Should Stop Feeding Your Child Gummy Bears should help in taking a more determined stand.
Photo Credit: photosil
It is common knowledge that sugar is a reason for cavities forming in the mouth when reacting with bacteria. To make matters worse, gummies are sticky in nature and remain in the teeth for a long time and allowing more time for the bacteria to react with sugar.
There have been studies done on the potential health risks of synthetic food dyes. Although natural dyes are available, many food manufacturers stick to using artificial versions for commercial reasons, and that has a negative consequence when it comes to the hyperactivity levels in children. Stick to those with natural food colouring if you must.
Photo Credit: Vicky Wasik
Two primary ingredients found in gummies are corn syrup and sugar. When high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and sugar are processed in your body, they turn into fats. Too much of HFCS will in turn lead to hypertension, heart disease, obesity and more health related issues.
Zero. Zilch. None. Your cute gummy bears unfortunately contain no vitamins and minerals that can be absorbed by our bodies. Perhaps only chocolate gummies contain the slightest amount. And no, gelatin in gummies does not make a considerable amount of vitamin content.
Photo Credit: Mkatesoccer
Gummies contain lots of calories that are made up of carbohydrates. Unfortunately they aren’t filled with complex carbohydrates found in fibre but simple carbohydrates in the form of sugar. Nutritionists and experts have established that simple carbohydrates should be replaced with complex carbohydrates in mess to aid digestion.
Gummy bears are coated with a layer of beeswax to ensure that they do not stick together. A study indicates that colony residue levels have been observed to be the highest in beeswax as compared to honey and pollen.
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
Some of you parents may be thinking that giving your kids sugar-free gummy bears is hence the solution to the high sugar level problem. As much as we hope too, the truth is that there is another ingredient that is of concern. We found out that excessive consumption of Lycasin in the sugar-free options have been known to induce diarrhoea.
Photo Credit: Scratchmenot
We have long heard about the benefits of having gummy vitamins as a substitute for candy – with claims stating that gummy vitamins are healthier than the usual gummies. However, it is this very reason that there is a tendency to over-consume as they taste good and are supposedly better than regular gummy. With no regulations on these gummy supplements, there is a possibility that the gummy vitamins contain less vitamins than what companies claim on packagings.
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