5 Reasons Why You Should Head Down To Green Is The New Black Festival 2016

Photo Credit: Green Is The New Black
If you have been keen on making a difference to your life or want to play your part in creating a positive impact for the environment, this is a chance to be inspired and mingle around with other change-makers just like you.
Happening on 22nd October 2016 from 9am – 9pm at Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore, Green Is The New Black aims to reshape the way individuals think and behave by empowering and inspiring individuals to lead a more conscious life.
Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore is taking the initiative to drive this movement, and on the event day, there will be activities happening in the hotel compound all day long. 80 over vendors will fill the hotel – from lifestyle brands to food kiosks – and the pool will be open to public for an epic pool party.
Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Head Down To Green Is The New Black: A Conscious Festival 2016.
If you have been hesitant to start on your wellness journey, sit through some of these transformational talks hosted by leading conscious living and working thought leaders. You will walk away more determined after learning how you can change your daily habits by taking small actions that will see huge changes.
Engage with the speakers through panel discussions that surround three topics exploring conscious living, working and fashion. The leaders will give you an understanding on how to overcome self-doubt, find purpose at work, how to do your part in being ethical when consuming fashion and much more.
Sure we can’t change the world alone, but every individual effort counts and creates a ripple effect. You can limit your impact on climate change further when you choose to purchase from brands that are mindful in their business practices.
Look out for many upcoming brands that range from fashion, art and beauty to generic lifestyle brands.
FrankSkincare is a 100% organic luxury skincare line; specialty coffee company Hook Coffee roasts sustainably grown coffee beans before delivering it to your doorstep; Diadem Candles are made of 100% Natural Soy Wax with Lead-Free Cotton.
Besides that, you can munch away on healthy and delicious grub whipped up by healthy eateries in Singapore.
Have some fun with lifestyle gurus at these interactive workshops! You will be kept entertained the whole day with educational experiences that will teach you how you can ‘go green’.
Choose to grow your own herbs and vegetables in upscaled containers, build your own terrarium, and learn how to repair your clothes!
Pack your swimsuit along for this festival because you are in for an epic pool party with your friends at Hotel Jen Tanglin! Yes, it is open to public and it will some massive fun there.
We have said so much but here comes the biggest reason why you should go to Green Is The New Black. For every TALKS ticket sold, a portion will be contributed to the funds for extra tuition classes that allow young girls in Cambodia to continue going to school. As Josh Shipp says, “Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.”.
Event is open to the public for free, but tickets have to be purchased for the talks and workshop which you can buy here. For all updates, click here.
We will see you on 22 Oct 2016 at Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore!
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