Singapore Visitors Can Enjoy Free WIFI Services When Traveling To U.S. Cities!
Starting from today till 21 September 2016, Singapore visitors who are traveling to the United States of America can enjoy free WIFI services on the streets as part of a trial scheme!
As long as you are a customer of a Singaporean telecom and will be in San Francisco, New York and San Jose during this period, all 1,000 WIFI hotspots in the U.S. can be used. 500 hotspots are in San Jose, California; 280 in downtown San Francisco and the remaining 200 are located in New York city.
All you need to do is to complete a one-time setup to prevent the hustle of having to log in time and time again when you are utilising a new hotspot at a different location.
Simply download a configuration file from to perform the setup.
Happy surfing!
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