6 Ways To Escape The Corporate Environment #NotACorporateRat
So you’ve been holding a 9-to-5 job for years now, and you realise this corporate rat race is not fun at all.
You go through the daily grind of waking up at 6am, getting to work, chasing deadlines, and counting the hours down till you knock off. The next day, the cycle repeats. You have no life at all. When you are stuck with such a routined life, it is hard to not question your existence. Surely we weren’t made to be cooped up in cubicles all our lives… right?
Expenses pile up and eventually, you find that you earn more than what you did perhaps 5 years ago, but why does it seem as if it will never be enough? You pay your bills, you pay rent, you buy the monthly necessities and have a nice dinner or two. Before you know it, you find yourself needing more money.
Done with this shiat. We are so sick of being corporate rats.
#1 Run Your Own Business
Sure, everyone wants this, but talk is always easy.
Many things have to be considered before starting your own business. You risk losing money, you risk losing sleep, but the benefits of having a company of your own outnumber the potential shortcomings that might occur.
Running a business from scratch will prove to be a tough challenge, but if you persevere, push forward, do your homework and stay diligent, who says you will fall? The results may just surprise you. There are definitely amazing perks of running your own business that you will enjoy. Case in point: when you are the boss of your own company, you dictate the work hours, and decide what needs to be done. That gives you more freedom, and more personal space to relax and take time off.
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#2 Go Freelance
If starting up your own business is a risk you are not willing to take, then experiment with freelancing. When you work from home, you are able to decide on the amount of projects you can handle at one time, and take necessary breaks and breathers whenever you need to. In other words, you are in full control.
Working freelance, however, is almost similar to running your own company. Being given the full control of the reigns also “encourages” procrastination and laziness. In order to be a full-time freelancer, you will need to set goals, timetables and deadlines for yourself and your clients – and that is the easier part.
You will also need to ensure that these deadlines and schedules are met, and that requires diligence and hard work. But if you make the effort to be punctual and organised, working freelance can prove to be the perfect alternative to handling your own business.
For a start, try popping by Upwork and Freelancer to look for freelance jobs.
#3 Reassess Your Expenditures
More often than not, we are stuck in a corporate environment because we tell ourselves that without the job in the office, we won’t be able to pay off our living expenses. As your pay increases, so does your standard of living. You start indulging and spending more. Think about it – this cycle actually makes pay raises redundant, and you will always find yourself needing more.
To counter this, sit down and think about the amount you are actually spending every month. Do you really need to move to a bigger house in the prime district? Is that S$500 dress really worth it? Your car is working fine, why do you need to “upgrade” it to a sports car?
Instead of thinking of what you want, start thinking of what you need. Focus on buying the things that add to your quality of life, instead of your standard of living.
#4 Clear All Debts Possible, And Don’t Rake Up More
Debts are probably one of the core reasons why you are even stuck in this rat race to begin with.
It all started with the bank loan you took out to pay for your university education, and now you are buried in more debts for your house and your car. It might seem easier said than done, but you should aim to get rid of all these debts before they beget more debts.
Spend within your means, and don’t take loans unless it is absolutely necessary.
#5 Set Life Goals (And Work Towards Them)
What is it that you hope to achieve with your life? Whether is it travelling the world, contributing to the society, or doing something for the greater good, come up with something that you would like to accomplish.
Having these goals will motivate you, and allow you to do more in your personal life. This makes every day more meaningful, and we only really start living when we live every day with a purpose.
#6 Prioritise And Manage Your Time
To avoid being cooped up in the constant wake-up-and-work cycle, sit down every once in a while and decide what needs to be prioritised.
Find a balance between work life and personal life. Take time off whenever you need to to take care of yourself. Tasks related to the office is a given, but if you constantly focus on getting those down, you tend to neglect your personal welfare.
Come up with weekly or daily priorities to ensure that your time is well-managed. At the end of the day, life isn’t just about going through the motions, it is also about seeking happiness in the journey.
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